Monday, April 26, 2010

royalty hardwood

-Gui Poggio, employee at Royalty Hardwoods, puts a board through the molder. Floor boards are just one of the many products avaliable at the wood manufacturer at Poole’s Corner.

By Charlotte MacAulay

Spring is the time of year people turn their thoughts to being outside and sprucing up the yard.
Royalty Hardwoods Ltd. at Poole’s Corner has all the wood needed to build a Gazebo or fix up the deck.
In fact they have wood to suit any need.
“If it’s wood we can make it,” said Martinus Rose , owner/ operator.
Not only do they manufacture products for both the interior and exterior of homes such as flooring, moldings, butcher block counter tops, siding and decking materials.
They are also the suppliers to industrial companies across the Maritimes and western Canada and local farmers and fishermen.
All species of wood in PEI are used to make the products at Royalty Hardwoods.
Twenty people are employed at the Poole’s Corner plant where they take the raw product from felled tree to finished product all in the one location.
On sight there is a sawmill, dry kilns and two production plants.
There is no wood waste at Royalty Hardwoods because they use all the waste wood to heat the production facilities.
The biggest thing Mr Rose would like to get out there is Royalty Hardwood retails directly to the public and no request is to small or to big.
They will even take a customer’s own wood and make it into a product for them.
So if you come across a broken arbor or a board that needs replacing on the deck just go to Royalty Hardwood at Poole’s Corner and see what they can do for you.

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