Monday, April 26, 2010

Montague town council gets a raise

By Charlotte MacAulay

At the monthly town council meeting all but one councillor voted in favour of raising the money councillors and mayor receive for their work on council.
A motion was put forward on April 26 by Finance Chair, John MacFarlane, to raise the remuneration $500 each bringing the numbers up to $4,500 per councillor and $6,000 for the mayor.
Councillors Peter Doucette, Marion Robertson, John MacFarlane, Peggy Whitlock and Janice MacBeth all voted for the motion while Deputy Mayor David Mabon voted against.
Coun Mabon said he thinks a survey should be done to compare municipal remunerations in the smaller towns in PEI.
One obtained by the Graphic shows as of April 1, 2010, Montague remuneration for councillors was 60 per cent higher than Souris, Georgetown , Alberton and Kensington.
Coincidentally Souris council voted on the same night to raise their remunerations bringing their numbers to $3,500 per councillor and $5,000 for the mayor.
Coun Mabon recalled getting $800 his first time on council many years ago and said that was a good exchange for his work.
“I’m voting against the raise.
“I’m well satisfied with what I get,’ Coun Mabon said.
In discussions before the vote councillors Peter Doucette said the town is growing and they work hard to make that happen.
“We’re valuing the contribution we make to municipal affairs.
“All the improvements in the town don’t happen by accident,” Coun Doucette said.
All the remaining councillors agreed and said they do the work and earn the money they receive.
Coun MacBeth said there is no comparison between Montague and the other smaller municipalities on PEI.
They don’t have the population or the infrastructure Montague has, she said.
“I’d do it for less, but if the money is there we deserve it,” said Coun Macbeth.

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