Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Southern Kings one step closer to a community care facility

By Charlotte MacAulay

An election promise made in 2007 is finally seeing the light of day, said secretary of local seniors committee.
Jim Evans said $10,000 provincial funding has been allocated to begin the planning stage of a project to bring a community care facility to southern Kings communities.
The facility will be located on a piece of land next to the old tennis courts in Murray Harbour donated by the Village, and will service communities from Wood Islands to Cambridge and all points south said Mr Evans.
This land is an ideal spot because it is on the line for the sewage system and within walking distance from the store, library and community centre he said.
A study done in 2007 by Atlantic? found there was a significant need in the area for this so a committee was formed and a business plan developed.
“We had some hoops to jump through to get here,” said Mr Evans.
The funding will allow the committee to hire an architect to make the building plans.
The facility will have 30 units, a common dining and sitting area for the residents as well as an outreach program for seniors in the area who aren’t ready to move out of their own home, but may need some services.
Mr Evans said an added benefit will be the full time jobs available for people in the community.
“Keeping the seniors might keep the young people as well.”
The South-East Seniors committee is now an incorporated body that will hold an annual general meeting on April 22 to vote in a board of directors to oversee the project. Any members of the public who wish to come to the meeting and have a vote must join before. For details on how to become a member call the Village office at 962-3835.
Mr Evans said the project couldn’t have been possible without the work of MLA for Belfast-Murray River, Charlie McGeoghegan,
Mr McGeoghegan found there was a need for senior care during his door to door campaign in the 2007 general election.
When first elected to the legislature he started the ball rolling and it will remain a priority for him until the building is complete and seniors are in residence he said.
“People want to stay where they spent their whole life if at all possible,” said Mr McGeoghegan.
He hopes the community will show their support for the project now that it is getting closer to a reality.

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