Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Murray River Bible school

-Murray River fire fighters Michael Higginbotham and Carri Ferguson showed their equipment to the kids at Murray River bible school on March 17.
By Charlotte MacAulay

Youth in Murray River had a lesson in fire safety from three Murray River fire fighters during March Break.
The Murray River Pentecostal Church held a week long bible school.
Pastor Scott Herring said the 60 kids participating spent the week doing activities centered around fire safety.
On March 17, fire fighters Dean Livingstone, Karri Ferguson and Michael Higginbotham were on hand with one of the departtment trucks.
The kids, ranging in ages from three to twelve, had a tour of the truck and got to see a hands on demonstration of some of the equipment they could expect to see if they were ever involved in a fire.
Mr Higginbotham demonstrated the fire fighter’s breathing apparatus while Ms Ferguson told the kids how important it is not to panic and to keep in mind the firefighters are there to help even though they look and sound strange with all the equipment on.
Mr Livingstone said the 27 member department does this type of presentation whenever they are asked.
Mr Herring said the fire department’s participantion really made the week special.
Thbible school is just one thing the church does to reach out to youth.
Mr. Herring said the church saw a need for activities for youth in the community, especially during the winter months.
A major renovation was done to a building already on the church’s property and it was christened ‘The youth barn.’
Games, music, activities with bible based values are all part of what goes on in the barn for the kids, said Mr Herring.

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